Sunday, July 21, 2019

Eisenhorn TV Show!

It was anounced a few days back that an Eisenhorn TV show is in development. This has the potential to be completely awesome.

I was first intoduced to the character of Eisenhorn in 2005 when Black Library printed an omnibus of his stories. A friend told me to buy it. I did. And it's been fantastic. In fact, I just finished re-reading it.

For those not aware Eisenhorn is a character created by Dan Abnett. He is set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe where he works as an inquisitor for the imperium of man. In that role Eisenhorn is intrusted with the oblication to purge the universe of heritics. That is, anybody tainted by connection with aliens, corrupted by the powers of chaos, or other sins against against humanity and it's god-emperor. It's a dark setting and Eisenhorn is a dark character.

If they pull this off and actually bring the Warhammer 40k universe to the small screen that could be awesome. It's probably a steep task though. Eisenhorn if a character beloved by many. Expectations for this show will be very high.

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